Thoughts of Brianna

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Weekend Thoughts: Pompeii

I'm playing with the idea of a "Weekend Thoughts" recurring post where I give a few quick ideas. Hopefully everyone is spending time outside in this gorgeous weather rather than Interneting, so I'll make this short for all of us. Besides, I really don't have that much to say about Pompeii!

Although we experienced amazing things--Greek temples, warm beaches, lost cities, and the nightlife of Southern Italy--I feel like I had an entirely fulfilling time there. In other words, I don't regret not doing something, nor do I feel like I missed out on an event.

This is connected to my Half a Year, a Whole Life posts in two ways: first, regret is a whole lot easier to write about. You've got all the deep emotions that make the memories stronger. As in, I know how wonderful Rome and Venice are, so I regret not going to certain places often enough. Second, Regret is going to be a big part of this Half a Year. I regret a LOT of things from the Rome Semester--things like not going into Rome enough, not going on that extra weekend trip, not exploring more those nights in Greece. I regret those things that I failed to do.

So what all did I do? Well, first there was Paestum. Southern Italy is filled with well-preserved temples of the Greeks that settled there. To me, the Parthenon is so much more romantic because it is so broken. About these, I don't feel that there is much I can say to add to their grandeur...

I guess I can say, "Look at the size of that thing!"

We swam in the warm Mediterranean Sea. We stayed at the Vesuvian Institute in the town of Stabiae. We went up to the roof to watch the sun set over the bay, and the volcano, Mount Vesuvius. Slowly each building paled in the twilight, and the lights of the city filled the darkness.

Palm trees, red roofs, and green hills.

The institute served us fresh seafood and wine, and then we all ventured down the zigzagging streets to the promenade a few yards away from the sea. People everywhere, heading for the bright lights of bars, theaters, clubs, and gelato stands. Dozens of Italian teenagers kissing along the boardwalk--they're much more public about love in Italy!

The next day we entered the city of Pompeii, buried in the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD. It remained lost until the 1700s. The streets, empty except for visitors and stray dogs, were bright with heat and white dust. Elaborate stone tombs lined the path into the town. Inside the houses and shops, the walls were still painted a wonderful shade of red. Some floors retained mosaics, my favorite the "Cave Canem."

"Beware of Dog!"
What was your experience of Naples?

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