Thoughts of Brianna

Friday, September 27, 2013

Book covers

Hm, yesterday's #bookphotoaday was actually kind of hard. Although I have tons of books, most of them are from used book stores, which means the covers are brown or green leather. Here's a few I like:

via Barnes and Noble
I assume this is an accurate portrayal of abbeys. It looks like Downton Abbey.

via Goodreads
My Senior Novel! I love the scribbles in different handwriting and the characters coming up out of the page. You'll have to read it to see why this is descriptive! Plus, the quote from Dylan Thomas is hilarious.

This is an odd book, but I do like the cover. Pretty clever to make it look like a Bible or other illuminated text. This would definitely be a banned book in some schools.

The Barnes and Noble Leatherbound Classics series has awesome covers. I accumulated quite a few over past Christmases and birthdays. My Anna Karenina was one of them.

And for today's #bookphotoaday, I'm currently reading: 

It's really good so far, but not something you can read right before you go to bed, which is when I do most of my reading. Any suggestions as to what I should read next?


  1. If you haven't yet:

    Prayer by Hans Urs von Balthasar (if you love Benedict, you'll love Balthasar, because I think Balthasar is one of his greatest influences)

    Unfortunately it's also not something you can read right before you go to bed.

    He Leadeth Me by Fr. Water Cizek

  2. Hey, I think used book covers are beautiful! But I also really like the ones you picked here. Thanks for playing along with my book challenge. :)
